Get access to exclusive training only previously available via personalised clinical programs or small group events.
Your Brain Therapy Hub Except Online.
We Call It The Memory Health Academy
So, What's Your First Step?
"The course was wonderful. Your enthusiasm was infectious. Very informative. I have suggested friends to book." 
- T. Murphy
Because You Don't Have Time Not To Know What Can Help, And Importantly What Doesn't 
Memory loss, brain trauma or diagnosis of neurological condition, there simply isn't enough done to support people, maybe much like you, to get clear on what works.
For some people, they feel isolated, like being left behind in life after a brain changing condition. It's in the home where the confusion, heartache and hopelessness is experienced, and we want to help.
It can be hard to get quality information to help with recovery and practical strategies to live better until now. So, let's skip the guesswork, the doubt and the frustration.
It's the information most people wished they had when they were starting out. Finally, it's in one place. Don't spend months trawling the net only to end up being more confused-  start here instead.
Everything Is Easier With A Guide
It's clear in most situations, maybe like yours,  that after a diagnosis getting a direction for your ongoing recovery, life optimisation, care and support can be hard to find.
That's why our education mission is simple.
To help you overcome a neurological condition impact in daily life. 
The education programs are your guides to equip you with evidence based practical strategies that you can easily apply in your life.
Some Love From "Memory Health Warriors"
C. Franci
Have told my friends is a must for their bucket list. I am certainly going to change how I live my life.
B. Eastcoe
We are so bombarded by information now days that it becomes overwhelming. Having a framework to put it into helps make sense of all this information. It made you want to think about your life and to make changes.
H. Rose
Want to stay sharp? Considering retirement? Whatever your situation in life – this is a must to get up on what is needed for brain and memory health.
Who Is The Academy Best For: Is This You?
Battling With The Life Impact Of A Neurological Condition Or Memory Changes
Unclear On How To Best Help And Support A Loved One And Want To Learn What You Can Do
Frustrated By Limitations And Lack Of Support To Advance Your Neuro and Cognitive Therapy Skills
Ready To Make The First Step?
Change From: "I wish I knew what to do for my ___________ ?"
To "I'm absolutely clear on what I need to do for my ___________ with a straight forward plan and know how"
With leading memory and health educators"
What's The Next Step To Help You?
Wellness Program For Parkinson's Disease 
Parkinson's Disease And Memory Loss
The Therapy Sheet System
Here's How You Can Stop Avoidable Memory Loss
Grab the cheat sheet to Stop Avoidable Memory Loss that's been shared with hundreds of people worried about memory loss. Takes them from the fear of not "doing it right" to clarity on what brain health actions work without lost days and hours of trawling over the internet.

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